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Date(s) - 10/28/2020
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Are you ready to learn how to make naturally fermented veggies? Your body will love it. Healthy gut, healthy body.
During the event, we will cover how to make:
- Sauerkraut,
- Brined vegetables
- Super simple and yummy salsa
- kombucha
By learning a few different techniques you will be amazed by how many different kinds of cultured vegetables you can create.
We will cover the importance of temperature, salt, water, and the impact it has on fermentation.
During this event, you can ask questions, so get them ready!
Fermentation is a great way to preserve food but more importantly, it is a way to improve your health/immunity – We will go over why to consume fermented foods.
Sign up today. Fermenting is easier than you think!
This event is sponsored the Brighton District Library. The class is free, registration is required through the library.