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DIY Natural Cleaning Wipes

Super simple and durable. You only need 4 items to make your All-Purpose Wipes.

The best part – No harsh chemicals,

Wait, the best part really is THEY WORK.

Clean without wearing rubber gloves, there is no need to.

What you’ll need:

  • Container (I used a wide mouth glass jar – don’t tell everyone but I save my glass, you never know when you will need it 🙂 )
  • 200 Coffee filters (unbleached if possible)
  • 4 cups of filtered water, maybe more
  • 2 to 4 tbsp. of Thieves household cleaner (I use 4)


  1. Add 4 cups of water to the container
  2. Mix in Thieves cleaner
  3. Pack in your coffee filters
  4. Cap your container.
  5. Swirl liquid around, you could flip the container.  Let all the liquid get absorbed.

That is it, you’re done.  Easy right?

Keep the big container at home or work.  Get a smaller container to have in your car, camper, backpack or where needed.

Some coffee filters absorb more liquid than others.  If you need to you can add more water.  4 cups worked well for me. Pull out one wipe at a time and clean the nasties away. The filters hold up well.  This is a keeper.

Like all cleaners spot test.  I have never had a problem, but let’s error on the safe side.

If you don’t have Thieves Household Cleaner here is how to get yours through Young Living. I would happy to help you get started.


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