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Citrus Sugar Scrub

What you’ll need:

  • 4 oz. Glass Jar
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1/8 to 1/4 cup melted organic coconut oil
  • 12 to 15 drops of YL Lime essential oil
  • 5 drops YL Grapefruit essential oil


  1. Melt coconut oil.
  2. In a small bowl combine sugar and melted coconut oil.
  3. Add essential oils and mix well.
  4. Fill glass jar, seal, and label.
  5. Use a small amount on the skin in the shower for smoother skin.

Many recipes call for equal amounts of sugar and coconut oil.  In my opinion, it is best to only moisten the sugar with coconut oil otherwise there is a greater chance for the floor of your tub/shower to become slippery.

There are many different Young Living essential oils.  Get creative and create your own blend.  Please share your favorite for the rest of us to try.


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