You have been thinking about getting some Young Living essential oils or you just got them, now what?
There are 3 primary ways to use Essential Oils
- Aromatically
- Topically
- Internally
Let’s take this a step further and go over all three areas.
You have been thinking about getting some Young Living essential oils or you just got them, now what?
Let’s take this a step further and go over all three areas.
When first getting into essential oils, the question arises: where does one begin? There are many essential oils available in stores and online. Is there really a difference in brands? YES, not all brands are created equal.
Young Living is the world leader in Essential Oils and Oil Infused Products. They are setting the industry standard for quality with over two decades of innovation.
Young Living is the only essential oil company that has a pain cream and acne cream infused with essential oils. Even better, they have a whole line of oil infused supplements:
And they have over 200 essential oils.
In the beginning, I dabbled with a few different companies. After researching the oils, it was clear that there are many reasons for choosing Young Living.
My family can say that they have experienced positive effects from using Young Living essential oils. We always have the diffuser going, an essential oil rack for easy access right in the kitchen, foaming soap dispensers with essential oils, supplements, and rollerballs throughout the house.
Every month I order a few products that replace toxic ones that I use. The truth is, you can buy many products that you regularly use at the store from Young Living. We all prefer the natural, non-toxic choices. The added benefit is free products. My local stores don’t offer that, do yours? Continue reading Why use Young Living Essential Oils?
Back-pain can be completely debilitating in even the slightest amounts, we can all agree there.
It’s crucial to find the right cream or balm to apply in order to allow your body to naturally heal itself. Many store-bought creams often act as numbing bandaids where a homemade, organic back balm will provide the right vitamins, minerals, and overall nutrients your body needs without toxic chemicals.
Continue reading An Organic Back Balm to Sooth the Muscles that Need it Most
Inhaling essential oils may seem a bit extreme at first. However essential oils are entirely natural and organic (from Young Living). Breathing essential oils scent has no adverse side effects whatsoever, quite the opposite actually and the benefits vary from oil to oil- yay!
When on-the-go, using essential oils from a nasal aromatherapy inhaler (like Vicks vapor rub, without all the toxins) is more convenient than using the bottles to apply them. However, when relaxing at home, a diffuser is always my go-to.
Outside of the house, my kids prefer the inhaler because they don’t want to “smell different around their friends” but still can carry it with them! Continue reading How to Make a Nasal Inhaler w/ Essential Oils
Are you using the app Fooducate on your phone or computer? You should be!
Tracking what food is good for you and which ones are not can seem very time-consuming at the grocery store, luckily that’s exactly what makes Fooducate amazing!
Everyone can use some help identifying the bad ingredients in food between GMO and other processed foods/chemicals, but Fooducate helps with more than food ingredient lookup such as…
Continue reading Fooducate: An App to Quickly Scan Ingredients in Food
Okay, this home remedy is very personal to me.
I’m excited to share that my oldest daughter is pregnant and I will be a grandma next year (though I’m sure I’m too young for that LOL); what an exciting event.
The downside is, she currently in her second trimester with out of control acid reflux and vomiting.
After the countless internet searches for the “best remedies for acid reflux while pregnant” and “how to stop vomiting while pregnant” led her to examine the foods she was ingesting more closely. She has restricted the foods that upset her system but was still struggling to keep food down.
Since being pregnant she has lost 10 pounds. That being said the doctor gave her a script for nausea and acid reflux. Well, that helped both of those symptoms but then lead to serious constipation.
This is emotional for both of us. Her living 12 hours away makes it even tougher. I can’t drive across town to help with her needs as a mom would want to. So this is where my long distance learning quest has begun. Continue reading Remedies for Acid Reflux when Pregnant (& Vomiting) ..Help!
You can tell a lot about a person when you see what they have on their kitchen counter. On a daily basis on mine, you will find essential oils, ferments, herbs/spices, and teas. Okay, other stuff too, things just keep appearing; I’m sure you know what I mean!
Here is a recent photo of my counter.
I am often asked, ‘Renee, what is all this stuff?’ My reply is easy; these are the things I use on a daily basis.
I have embarked on a complete lifestyle journey because I have realized what limited information is readily available on the food we put in our bodies. A personal mission to learn and live by what it means to be healthy for myself and family.
We live in a world of misinformation and half-truths when it comes to transparency about health. I use the following foods, oils, and spices to aid in protecting the health of my family and self on a daily basis, or as often as I can.
The truth is, if I had more space for storage I would prefer to put all the stuff away. 🙂 Continue reading ‘Staying Healthy’ Covers my Entire Counter
What do you do when someone you care about is hurting emotionally or physically?
In 30 years of marriage raising three children and having a huge extended family I have learned you can’t fix everyone (even if you want to).
How do I know this? Continue reading What to do when someone you love is hurting?