Word of warning: Not all elderberries plants are edible and can contain trace amounts of cyanide which is toxic. For this reason, I suggest purchasing from a reputable source.
With all the benefits of the elderberry plant, I decided to incorporate it into kombucha. Fermentation pulls the medicinal properties out of herbs. So I figure let’s give our kombucha an extra boost by fermenting elderberries into it! Here are the steps on how I did it, and you can too!
- Once you have brewed your kombucha to your taste, strain it into your glass bottles.
- Start by adding one teaspoon of dried elderberries per liter of kombucha. Increase or decrease the amount to achieve your desired flavor.
- Let sit capped on the counter for 24 to 48 hours (I like 24hrs more, but try both).
- Strain before serving.
- Store in refrigerator.
Below are photos I took during the second ferment happening.
Cool, right?

Continue reading Get the Benefits of Elderberries Infused with Kombucha [Recipe]